Dam Safety in Missouri

Dam Safety in Missouri

Did you know that the state of Missouri requires dams to be constructed safely? The Department of Environmental Quality is responsible for regulating non-federal and non-agricultural dams and provides technical assistance to dam owners. Read on to learn more about Missouri’s laws and regulations governing dams and safety. This information is vital to the development…

Dam Safety

Dam Safety

When you’re boating near a dam, you should be aware of the dangers of large clusters of floating debris or the dam structure. If you’re unsure of where to look, give it a wide berth. And if you’re not sure, you can also find tips for dam safety, like how to monitor a dam. But,…

Hydropower Retrofitting Non Powered Dams in the United States

Hydropower Retrofitting Non Powered Dams in the United States

About 63 percent of all dams in the U.S. are private enterprises, with state and local governments overseeing the rest. Federal and state governments both have responsibilities for dam safety. States regulate private dams, but most have insufficient regulatory authority. Alabama, for example, has no dam safety regulatory program, while California has a well-funded program…